Highly impactful – Visalys Temp®
For the fabrication of brilliant temporary restorations

Visalys® Temp

Visalys Temp is a temporary crown and bridge material for exceptionally stable and fracture-resistant short-term and long-term temporary restorations based on a multifunctional acrylic composite. Temporary restorations made of Visalys Temp score highly in terms of well-fitting and tension-free temporary restorations from crowns or bridges to inlays/onlays to highly esthetic veneers.

Visalys Temp

Product is suitable for

Product is suitable for

Fabrication of temporary crowns, partial crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and veneers



Customization of preformed acrylic and metal crowns
Fabrication of long-term temporary restorations


Visalys Temp is suitable for fabricating temporary crowns, partial crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and veneers.

  • Exceptional fracture resistance 
  • Suitable for short-term and long-term temporary restorations
  • Well-fitting & tension-free temporary restorations thanks to the minimal shrinkage
  • Final temporary restoration can easily be added to or repaired even after curing
  • Easy and precise processing
  • High luster polishing even without pastes or varnish
  • Tooth-like translucence and opalescence
  • Free of bisphenol A, a bonus for health and our environment

Visalys Temp interactive

Explore all about Visalys Temp and its many benefits on our interactive page. We offer you step-by-step instructions, starting with the situation impression through to the finished temporary restoration. Discover how easy and effective using Visalys Temp can be.

Technical Information

The low abrasion indicates that temporary restorations made of Visalys Temp show only minimal wear under chewing loads.
Endurance limit
Visalys Temp is also suitable for use as a long-term temporary restoration because the material remains resistant to fractures even after aging.
Fracture toughness
The high fracture toughness (k1c value) reduces the risk of a temporary restoration breaking in the mouth under high or sudden masticatory stress. The oral situation is preserved until the final restoration is placed.
