
Futar from Kettenbach Dental is celebrating its 30th birthday

Just how you would imagine a success story: Futar bite registration material from Kettenbach Dental was launched in Germany in 1994 and soon became the market leader in its segment (according to GfK, the German consumer research association) and has maintained this position ever since. As a result of its clear focus on user benefits, continuous advancement, and consistently high product quality, Futar has proven itself in practice. Users can currently choose from seven products in the family, so they get the material that suits them best.

Kettenbach Dental is celebrating its 30th anniversary with Futar

With Futar – the injectable elastomeric A-silicone – Kettenbach Dental has developed a bite registration material that meets all its users’ expectations.

The innovation launched in 1994 sets a milestone in dental history. A portfolio of currently seven products has steadily grown over these three decades.

For every requirement – the right bite registration material

Each user can select “their” Futar: high or extra-high final hardness, suitable for milling or easily trimmed with a scalpel, extra-fast setting or with extended working time, or rather a material with low extrusion force for easy application – the Futar family always has the right material on offer.

Futar is market leader since 1996

It seems as though the market had been waiting for Futar: Just two years after its launch in Germany, Futar succeeded in to becoming the market leader in the field of bite registration materials (according to GfK) – and has not relinquished this position to this very day. Internationally, the Futar family is also extremely well received, with the material demonstrating its high popularity in many markets. Unique quality, easy and safe handling, and benefits for the practitioner and patient alike, look to be paying off.